Friday, November 03, 2006

Simplicity in being a coder...

For last few days I was all busy with the Operating systems project, fiddling with various concepts of File systems. Indirect blocking, synchronization, cache operations, it felt as if my whole existence was at stake, get these algorithms running right on time or its the end of everything. Now it sounds funny...but that was the tempo with with which I was struggling day and night, playing the game of 1 and 0!. Ya..thats what it is...a matter of 1 or 0, just two choices! After getting done with the submission, I was then browsing through CNN and TOI, and it struck me, how simple my life is!

I just have to deal with 0s and 1s. I have no ambiguity in terms of what is required, my desired output (we are just talking about well-defined requirements here [;)]), so I have a clear vision of right or wrong. It's therefore no difficult task as compared to complications in other professions. There, the choices are itself unbouded, the problem starts right at the place of defining all of them, forget the matter of choosing the right one. The game no longer remains black or involves all sorts of colors, with varying shades per person. Choices are made on personal prefernces, temporal and situational; non-cooperation creeps in, conflicts arise and the whole set-up turns out into one big chaos.

But then I think, it's not really that complicated. We make it so. Since there are only two possibilities, either right or wrong, it drops down to just two choices. There's actually just "yes" or "no", no "may-be" option at all. "Right" remains universal "Right" and "Wrong" as universal "Wrong". So, the whole world again turns black or white. Does this stand lead to a fair socitey? umm....probably (here I go...contradicting myself! Oh btw, I just realized the importance of a "switch- statement" [:D])

It surely is the basic building block of a fair society, but we can't just get rid of complications...can we? There are lots of situations where it seems like this theory holds no ground (If it was that easy, it would have already become a part of our lives :D). For example, take the profession of a teacher. A teacher has to adopt different strategies of teaching for different types of students. What works for one might not work with the other. So his "right" or "wrong" changes per person. (If you notice, we are just talking about different flavors of "right" here. You know where we'll head, if we start about "wrong"s.) Thus, however hard we try to categorize, exceptions do exist (to correct myself) when we go down to the implementation level, forcing us to incorporate some grey shades. This gives way to further digressions and we land up exactly where we are! The toughest question to answer is who decides what is "universal right" and what is "universal wrong", rather can we actually define these? Unfortunately, we have no Oracle here. It looks like we are just left on our own to figure it out. Decide for yourself and go on.

Hah! Giving it a thought, its actually commendable that even after being chaotic, partially cooperating, partially competing or conflicting - whatever you call it, this system is still somehow self-balancing and therefore persistent. The more I think about it, the more I get amazed. We made it and we run it! I guess, the zest to exist, that breathes in all of us is the actual power source for this system. Hats off to our spirits that hold high above all complications!